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Prophet Muhammad

Prophet Muhammad  (571 A.D - 632 A.D, Arabia) is the Final Messenger sent by Allah to guide Mankind and Jinn and complete His religion. The Noble Prophet  was an orphan and became a trader by profession and was well known as Muhammad  - The Trustworthy. At the age of forty he received Prophethood through the Angel Jibraaeel (Gabriel) in Makkah (Mecca - Arabia). He was The Unlettered Prophet - He could not read nor write however Allah revealed upon him the Holy Quran. This glorious divine revelation to a human who could not even read the words 'Messenger of Allah' was a Miracle and proof of Prophethood.

At the time pagan Arabs worshipped idols, killed their infant children particularly girls, drank intoxicants excessively and gambled. They consumed the rights of orphans and grossly misappropriated inheritance to the extent that family members were considered assets and part of the inheritance estate.
Prophet Muhammad  rejected these ignorant and immoral practices and invited all to accept Islam which protected rights of the vulnerable and balanced the needs of society without overburdening individuals.

As people accepted Islam they and the Prophet  were persecuted to the extent that they were forced to emigrate to Madinah -Arabia where people were receptive to Islam and gave refuge. Over time the unique message of Islam was realised by many in number and Muslims were able to fend off attacks.
Islam prohibited racial discrimination and promoted responsibilities and high moral standards to the extent that the companions of the Prophet  and their family remained hungry whilst they fed those captured assassins who had attempted to kill them with all the food they possessed. Where previously in the days of ignorance daughters were buried alive due to their gender, now in complete contrast after accepting Islam they were giving away water to quench thirsty dying strangers whilst they themselves were also dying of thirst and in their last moments of life.

More and more people turned towards Islam and the Prophet  was able to establish a peace treaty with the kuffaar (Non-Believers). The Kuffaar however broke the treaty and again attacked so the Prophet  decided to march towards Makkah . The Merciful Prophet  conquered Makkah without bloodshed and forgave his enemies saying 'Have no fear this day, May Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy'. The Prophet  returned to Madinah after establishing safety in Makkah.

The Prophet 's Sunnah (actions) were the perfect living exemplification of the Quran and through the recording and practice of his Sunnah his noble companions May Allah be pleased with them (Sahaabah) were able to confirm and convey the correct understanding and teachings of Islam. The Prophet  after completing his mission passed away leaving behind the Quran and Sunnah for all and he is buried in Masjid An-Nabawi (Madinah- Arabia)

Also referred to as: Rasulullah , The Messenger of Allah , The Final Nabi and Rasul , The Seal (Khatam) of Prophets  Mohammed , Muhammed  Mohamed  Mohamad  Mehmet , Huzoor, Huzur, Hozuur Nabi 

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