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People who saw the Prophet Muhammad May Allah send peace and bessings upon him, embraced and practised Islam and died as Muslims are known as Sahaabah May Allh be pleased with them all(May Allah be pleased with them all).
Singular: Sahaabi. Female: Sahabiyyah
Rasulullah May Allah send peace and bessings upon him mentioned: "All the Sahabaah are just and pious and whomsoever amongst them you shall follow, you shall be guided."
It is through their connection with Prophet Muhammad May Allah send peace and bessings upon him that Allah's final revelation the Quran and the blessed Sunnah May Allah send peace and bessings upon himrelayed by the Sahabah has by Allah's will reached us - May Allah be pleased with them all.
Also referred to as: Companions, Sahaba, Sahabah, Sahaabi, Sahabiyyah, Sahaaba


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