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ABC of parenting

A lways trust your children to Allah’s care.
B ring them to the Masjids.
C hallenge them to high goals in deen.
D elight in their achievements “Masha`Allah”
E xalt Allah in their presence “Subhaan`Allah”
F rown on evil “ Astaghfirullah”
G ive them love and understanding
H ear their problems, be there for them.
I gnore not their childish fears, tell them Allah is Always there.
J oyfully accept their apologies, Allah is All Forgiving.
K eep their confidence.
L ive a good example before them, Islamic ettiquettes.
Make them your friends.
N ever ignore their endless questions!
O pen your heart to their love.
P ray for them by name, .May Allah make them the coolness of your eyes.
Quicken your interest in their spirituality, Dhikrullah (remberance of Allah)
Remember their needs, show mercy to them
Show them the way of Our Prophet Muhammad and his companions. (peace be upon them All)
T each them to appreciate every little in life. “Alhamdulillah”
U nderstand they are still young and Innocent. “Fitrah”
V erify your statements, speak clearly (Repeat it 3 times) like the way Prophet Muhammad {peace be upon him} used to.
Wean them from bad company.
X eXpect them to obey, Allah and their parents,
Y earn for Allah’s best for them.
Z ealously guide them in the Qur’aan and Sunnah.

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