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Racism whether open or hidden, is an evil aspect of life which Islams seeks to eradicate. It is clear from the verses of the Quran; the book of the muslims, and many sayings of The Final Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him which have been narrated by his companions, that differences in colour, tribes, races, or traditions are not to be excuses for unjust behaviour or treatment. The Quran rehearses the words of the Almighty Allah which reasons against racial discrimination and puts an end to it.
"O Mankind, we created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you in to tribes and nations so that you may know each other (not that you despise each other). Verily, the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is he who is most righteous of you." (Al-Quran, Chapter 49, Verse 13)
Allah explains the reason behind why he created mankind and then put them in to alternative tribes and nations. It is made clear and all doubts are seized when the most merciful Allah states: "that you may know each other". Without distinguishable recognistion (e.g. clones) life would be very difficult. Some cultures have occupational or hereditary caste systems, such systems institutionalise the sin of pride, stagnate community development by class and are against the basic islamic principle of equality
Also referred to as: Islamaphobia, Taassub, Anti-Semitism, Neo-Nazi, Extremism, Fascism,racial discrimination, discrimination, prejudice, bigotry, intolerance, xenophobia, bias, racialism
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