Angels are one of Allah's creation and they always obey Allah. Allah has created Angels out of light (Noor) and given them various duties to perform. Some famous Angels are:
- Angel Jibraaeel
(Arch Angel Gabriel - peace be upon him) who brought Allah's revelations, orders and messages to all the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them all). Angel Mikaaeel
(Angel Michael - peace be upon him) is in charge of food and rain. Other Angels work under him who are in charge of clouds, the seas, the rivers and the winds. He gets the order from Allah and then delegates the work to those under his command. Angel Izraeel
(Angel Israel) is the angel of death who takes away life by the order of Allah. Numerous Angels work under him. Some take away the lives of good persons whilst others looking very fearful take away the lives of sinners and disbelievers. Angel Israafeel
(Angel Israfel) will blow the Soor (Bugle/Trumpet) on the Day of Judgement. The sound will destroy and kill everything that is on earth and in the universe. When he blows for the second time all will come to life by the order of Allah. Kiraaman-Kaatibeen are two Angels that are always with every person. One writes all his good deeds whilst the other records all his bad deeds.
- The Angels Munkar and Nakeer question a person when he is left in his grave.
Numerous angels are in charge of various other duties such as being in charge of Heaven or Hell, some look after children, the old, the weak and whoever Allah wishes to protect, etc.
Also referred to as: Malaikah, Farishta, Malaaeeka
See also